Poetry & Literature

I always write the way it sounds in my head

When I write a story, I can research freely. I don't have to find answers, I can create worlds without defining truths. The people in my stories behave like people. For me, that is closer to reality than predictable, supposedly unambiguous facts.

Inside the Writer's Studio

My second favorite writing job is writing my author mail. It tells about the beautiful and terrible sides of the author's life and puts texts into your mailbox before publication.

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What others say

books like this are why i love reading so much. i won't tell you what it's about, read it. it's awesome.
Angelina Roth has succeeded in writing a fine book about being creative. Between Geneva and Berlin, Basel and Paris, the plot weaves a web under which 3 artists stake out their path. Occasional shifts in narrative stance and clever leaps in place and time characterize the novel, which seems written with a light hand. For readers who like art, who love literature.
Angelina Roth successfully translates a life and work that is increasingly tied to digital space into her novel. She knows the ingredients for an entertaining tale and she adds a pinch of love, some pain and the questions about being to her narrative. Her language is clear, clever and witty. When it comes to being an artist, the narrative unleashes its wit: "Sometimes it would be nice if writing wasn't such a fiddly activity (...). Writing by chopping wood."
I haven't read a book so fast in a long time. Huge recommendation!
what a pleasant surprise - a "let's read this" has quickly turned into a "we really like this": "Die Closerie" by angelina roth - great setting in the virtual/analog creative club and great dialogues! go read this!
If you're looking for good reading material that moves away from the mainstream, this is the place for you. The author has managed to put a modern piece of writing theater on paper with her story.
F. Staab
The Closerie is the writer's room I imagine for myself.
We have all met these three characters, whether from our own past or current relationships. An artist’s life can be chaotic, with inspiration drawn from both tragedy and joy, as well as, sometimes, the mundane. Angelina Roth paints a beautiful picture of friendship, struggle and growth through the artists portrayed, and cleverly links the days of La Closerie and Hemingway et al in a contemporary, (not exclusively) virtual setting. Addictive from beginning to end, let yourself get lost in this story of art, self discovery and pursuit of purpose.
Edward Cairns