About me

Writing is one of my favorite ways of being.

But I never thought of it as a profession. For a long time I thought that writing simply belonged to life, like eating, sleeping or breathing; but then other people told me that they never write. Since then, that idea has gone; and I have realized that I could make writing my profession.

Speaking of sleep. So far, I haven't written anything that you couldn't safely read before going to sleep. Gentle souls don't have to worry about that either, because I'm one of them. My favorite thing to read before bed is Marcel Proust. His work comprises several thousand pages and spares you violence and cruelty. I've now reached volume 7: Time Rediscovered. So, unfortunately, the end is near.

I was born in 1989 and live in Basel. What drives me when I write are the thoughts and images in my head, the imagination and the joy of creating worlds. The stories buzz around between us humans, waiting to be written down. However, it is rarely easy to put complex inspirations into clearly defined words. When things go well, some of it gets stuck between the lines, along with the space for imagination.

Author Network Basel

The literary world is very international - but isn't it particularly exciting what authors from the neighborhood write? Maybe even about the city you live in? Together with colleagues, I founded the Netzwerk lokal lesen. The project was funded by the Literature Committee of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and already has over 100 members from the Basel region. We make local literature visible with stickers, collaborations with bookshops and events. Our aim is to raise awareness of how colorful and good the local literary scene is: www.lokallesen.ch


Podcast about books - from minute 27:31


Interview with Literature Switzerland



Questions, ideas or requests are always welcome. I look forward to receiving mail.
I am also happy to send signed copies of my books.


A Moment in Writing

Read my texts before they are published and receive the bimonthly letter, “A Moment in Writing”, on the beautiful, and sometimes terrible, life of a writer.